Idea #154 – South Pleasant Street Development

Report Status: Fully Reviewed

Researched by: Paul Rickter

Original Idea as Submitted

Adopt zoning overlays for South Pleasant Street to spur development

Other ideas included in this report

  • None

Idea intent

The intent of this idea appears to be that changes in zoning along South Pleasant Street would encourage development in this area, which would benefit the town financially.

Weighted Final Score: N/A (already implemented)

Background Information

Belmont Zoning Bylaws currently provide for a variety of businesses along the eastern side of Pleasant Street between the Clark Street Footbridge and Trapelo Road. This area, commonly referred to as "South Pleasant Street," currently houses a car dealership, a grocery store, a construction company, and several smaller retail, auto repair, and other businesses.

Recently, multiple proposals were created to expand the types of allowed uses in this area of Belmont. One proposal was to allow for an expanded variety of retail, restaurant, office, or residential uses in the South Pleasant Street area, including potentially housing for the elderly, responding to the need for places for older Belmont residents to move to. Another proposal was to allow adult-use marijuana retail establishments in the South Pleasant area, responding to the need for additional revenue for Belmont. These two proposals were approved at a Special Town Meeting in November 2018, which created the South Pleasant Street Overlay District and the Adult Use Marijuana Establishment Overlay District.

In both cases, these overlay districts are responding to the perceived need of promoting the redevelopment of under-utilized properties in the South Pleasant Street area in ways that revitalize the area and allow Belmont to increase revenues. At present, two adult-use marijuana retail establishments have signed host community agreements with the town and are proceeding toward opening stores in the South Pleasant area. If and when these stores open, Belmont expects to receive significant revenue in the form of a percentage of sales.


  • This idea is complete. Zoning bylaw changes have been adopted and business opportunities are being pursued.

  • Recommend that further policies that encourage development in the South Pleasant Street area be adopted as needed.

  • Recommend that Belmont consider further zoning changes to encourage development in other areas of town. See Idea #107.

Next Steps

  • None

Further Reading